15853 rank

384,691 points

588 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Persephone the Dire 966    solo
Fel Dranghyr 1927 Persephone the Dire 966 solo 157,448,024 32,863
Persephone the Dire 966    ytrewq
Tuulech 1413 Persephone the Dire 966 ytrewq 26,068,719 47,013
Persephone the Dire 966    manoo
Brisgard 6644 Persephone the Dire 966 manoo 12,853,041 15,327
Persephone the Dire 966    mmaliali
Greifental 7146 Persephone the Dire 966 mmaliali 6,406,985 4,412
Persephone the Dire 966    Solone
Uceria 2607 Persephone the Dire 966 Solone 4,547,697 10,085
Persephone the Dire 966    Bretwaldas
Houndsmoor 11210 Persephone the Dire 966 Bretwaldas 990,790 1,623
Persephone the Dire 966    the great dire wolf
Cirgard 12661 Persephone the Dire 966 the great dire wolf 582,158 1,434
Persephone the Dire 966    Moon Knights
Korch 12018 Persephone the Dire 966 Moon Knights 411,413 1,093
Persephone the Dire 966    Killuminati Empire
Arvahall 15853 Persephone the Dire 966 Killuminati Empire 384,691 588
Persephone the Dire 966    SPUNKYVILLE
Sinerania 9305 Persephone the Dire 966 SPUNKYVILLE 291,389 683
Persephone the Dire 966    Peaco80
Parkog 10220 Persephone the Dire 966 Peaco80 173,986 318
Persephone the Dire 966    The Peoples Front
Odhrorvar 13460 Persephone the Dire 966 The Peoples Front 137,814 51
Persephone the Dire 966    Mane of Chaos
Rugnir 11522 Persephone the Dire 966 Mane of Chaos 123,138 97
Persephone the Dire 966    Red Keep
Noarsil 14932 Persephone the Dire 966 Red Keep 82,162 53
Persephone the Dire 966    House of Scipio
Jaims 15648 Persephone the Dire 966 House of Scipio 74,880 58
Persephone the Dire 966    Knights Of Ren
Mount Killmore 16965 Persephone the Dire 966 Knights Of Ren 74,706 54
Persephone the Dire 966    TEMPLAR VADER
Langendorn 14972 Persephone the Dire 966 TEMPLAR VADER 73,409 89
Persephone the Dire 966    Free Parking
Dinegu 16980 Persephone the Dire 966 Free Parking 59,510 36
Persephone the Dire 966    The Troops
East-Nagach 17320 Persephone the Dire 966 The Troops 51,669 39