180 rank

1,541,672,303 points

386,991 battles

Rank Level Great Building Era FP FP Left FP Required
Temple of Relics (No Age )   
2876 102 Temple of Relics No Age 0 6461 6461
Flying Island (Space Age Venus )   
2880 102 Flying Island Space Age Venus 0 13417 13417
Arctic Orangery (Arctic Future )   
2923 102 Arctic Orangery Arctic Future 0 11032 11032
The Arc (The Future )   
2998 102 The Arc The Future 0 9641 9641
Castel del Monte (Late Middle Ages )   
3113 102 Castel del Monte Late Middle Ages 0 6957 6957
Cathedral of Aachen (Early Middle Ages )   
3141 102 Cathedral of Aachen Early Middle Ages 0 5964 5964
Statue of Zeus (Bronze Age )   
3162 102 Statue of Zeus Bronze Age 0 5069 5069
Château Frontenac (Progressive Era )   
5438 100 Château Frontenac Progressive Era 0 7852 7852