11018 rank

2,273,208 points

1,340 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Estipar    Thunder Kingdom
Fel Dranghyr 44 Estipar Thunder Kingdom 2,782,319,606 838,315
Estipar    Teutonic Knights
Tuulech 503 Estipar Teutonic Knights 88,338,014 41,843
Estipar    Teutonic Knights🇨🇮
Uceria 2289 Estipar Teutonic Knights🇨🇮 4,649,936 9,236
Estipar    Wonderland
Arvahall 11018 Estipar Wonderland 2,273,208 1,340
Estipar    Kingdom of Scotland
Cirgard 12786 Estipar Kingdom of Scotland 525,318 291
Estipar    Beer Drinkers Only
Jaims 11730 Estipar Beer Drinkers Only 478,419 43
Estipar    Thor's Hammers
East-Nagach 12666 Estipar Thor's Hammers 395,127 46
Estipar    Dragon trainer
Korch 12745 Estipar Dragon trainer 289,258 389
Dinegu 13542 Estipar VIKING WARRIORS 286,078 56
Estipar    Strong and Brave
Brisgard 15265 Estipar Strong and Brave 255,926 90
Estipar    420 Guild
Odhrorvar 12330 Estipar 420 Guild 244,038 36
Estipar    aid & trade
Greifental 13454 Estipar aid & trade 214,342 24
Estipar    Sinisters
Noarsil 13356 Estipar Sinisters 183,456 38
Mount Killmore 14875 Estipar FREEDOM FIGTHERS 179,204 92
Estipar    The Hunters
Houndsmoor 15433 Estipar The Hunters 158,589 26
Estipar    King in the north
Langendorn 13812 Estipar King in the north 127,665 69
Estipar    Grumpy
Parkog 11380 Estipar Grumpy 88,573 18
Estipar    The Red Ship💯
Sinerania 11668 Estipar The Red Ship💯 76,604 20
Estipar    MAGA
Rugnir 12644 Estipar MAGA 65,754 53