8139 rank

8,198,426 points

12,995 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Doni the ripper   
Fel Dranghyr 665 Doni the ripper 551,598,755 221,036
Doni the ripper   
Houndsmoor 2931 Doni the ripper 81,129,476 35,149
Doni the ripper   
Mount Killmore 3493 Doni the ripper 38,801,870 23,773
Doni the ripper   
East-Nagach 4459 Doni the ripper 25,646,127 28,686
Doni the ripper   
Arvahall 8139 Doni the ripper 8,198,426 12,995
Doni the ripper   
Brisgard 8579 Doni the ripper 4,901,641 10,406