12310 rank

1,268,157 points

1,053 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
makip    sex on the beach
Fel Dranghyr 465 makip sex on the beach 650,844,541 152,442
makip    🌈The Wizard of OZ🦘
Uceria 1351 makip 🌈The Wizard of OZ🦘 8,535,603 10,448
Korch 8155 makip 2,675,704 2,840
makip    relaxed
Greifental 9024 makip relaxed 1,894,269 1,533
makip    MKUltra
Houndsmoor 10469 makip MKUltra 1,322,148 1,015
makip    lalala land
Arvahall 12310 makip lalala land 1,268,157 1,053
makip    la pe pe la fuj
Jaims 9863 makip la pe pe la fuj 1,054,557 1,204