3194 rank

67,601,261 points

61,531 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Myles The Mighty Meateor   
Arvahall 3194 Myles The Mighty Meateor 67,601,261 61,531
Myles The Mighty Meateor    Warriors of Valhalla
Brisgard 8805 Myles The Mighty Meateor Warriors of Valhalla 4,154,696 5,612
Myles The Mighty Meateor    right on
Sinerania 10037 Myles The Mighty Meateor right on 174,616 567
Myles The Mighty Meateor    Under the Eagle
Noarsil 15377 Myles The Mighty Meateor Under the Eagle 75,408 230