14642 rank

565,108 points

729 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Houndsmoor 1808 chaves ACTIVE TRADERS 192,374,922 27,523
chaves    RedBloodRoses
Parkog 3559 chaves RedBloodRoses 12,093,906 2,750
chaves    Stigma
Jaims 7655 chaves Stigma 4,048,013 1,806
chaves    Relic Hunters
Sinerania 4973 chaves Relic Hunters 3,816,243 1,413
chaves    FirstTimers
Odhrorvar 7281 chaves FirstTimers 3,638,469 1,890
chaves    The Berserkes
Rugnir 5588 chaves The Berserkes 3,502,291 1,822
chaves    Schwarzeneggers
Brisgard 9599 chaves Schwarzeneggers 2,984,576 1,614
chaves    BLACK HAWKS
Dinegu 9146 chaves BLACK HAWKS 2,308,275 1,321
chaves    Legendary
Langendorn 8105 chaves Legendary 2,234,666 1,572
chaves    Edwarden Hoit
Cirgard 9897 chaves Edwarden Hoit 1,863,241 1,500
chaves    Phoenix warriors
East-Nagach 9492 chaves Phoenix warriors 1,828,836 1,083
chaves    Scotland
Tuulech 4678 chaves Scotland 766,311 347
chaves    Black Hebrew
Fel Dranghyr 11411 chaves Black Hebrew 594,088 393
chaves    Sons of Thor
Arvahall 14642 chaves Sons of Thor 565,108 729
chaves    Aussie Alfys
Mount Killmore 12351 chaves Aussie Alfys 495,057 407
chaves    Fruity Victory
Greifental 13370 chaves Fruity Victory 214,835 345
chaves    ☸️ ZEN ☯️
Uceria 8491 chaves ☸️ ZEN ☯️ 31,571 99