15924 rank

374,674 points

662 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Houndsmoor 2137 chaves THE BUDGIE SMUGGLERS 113,783,209 17,640
chaves    RedBloodRoses
Parkog 4051 chaves RedBloodRoses 6,159,293 2,134
chaves    Stigma
Jaims 8160 chaves Stigma 2,536,747 1,663
chaves    Schwarzeneggers
Brisgard 9723 chaves Schwarzeneggers 2,380,217 1,523
chaves    FirstTimers
Odhrorvar 8130 chaves FirstTimers 2,007,013 1,612
chaves    The Berserkes
Rugnir 6130 chaves The Berserkes 1,867,627 1,609
chaves    BLACK HAWKS
Dinegu 9479 chaves BLACK HAWKS 1,748,675 1,228
chaves    Phoenix warriors
East-Nagach 9656 chaves Phoenix warriors 1,528,019 1,027
chaves    Edwarden Hoit
Cirgard 10445 chaves Edwarden Hoit 1,333,962 1,378
chaves    Relic Hunters
Sinerania 6042 chaves Relic Hunters 1,325,431 1,057
chaves    Legendary
Langendorn 9003 chaves Legendary 1,302,200 1,378
chaves    Sons of Thor
Arvahall 15924 chaves Sons of Thor 374,674 662
chaves    Notorious
Fel Dranghyr 13028 chaves Notorious 326,242 301
chaves    Aussie Alfys
Mount Killmore 15197 chaves Aussie Alfys 179,072 294
chaves    Fruity Victory
Greifental 15004 chaves Fruity Victory 124,902 268
chaves    Scotland
Tuulech 7823 chaves Scotland 58,250 131