15304 rank

445,813 points

1,373 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Theresa the Ravager 987    Guild of Nations
Brisgard 5137 Theresa the Ravager 987 Guild of Nations 25,322,629 70,051
Theresa the Ravager 987    The Celtic Army
Greifental 11519 Theresa the Ravager 987 The Celtic Army 525,521 1,275
Theresa the Ravager 987    🌷Exideuil☘️
Dinegu 12109 Theresa the Ravager 987 🌷Exideuil☘️ 520,408 1,219
Theresa the Ravager 987   
Arvahall 15304 Theresa the Ravager 987 445,813 1,373
Theresa the Ravager 987   
East-Nagach 12469 Theresa the Ravager 987 423,081 1,406
Theresa the Ravager 987   
Cirgard 13352 Theresa the Ravager 987 412,092 1,078
Theresa the Ravager 987    kingdom rush
Fel Dranghyr 12569 Theresa the Ravager 987 kingdom rush 345,339 1,025