11097 rank

2,034,439 points

1 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Deb the Doer    GuildName
Jaims 8367 Deb the Doer GuildName 2,239,609 1
Deb the Doer    Ace Of Spades
Arvahall 11097 Deb the Doer Ace Of Spades 2,034,439 1
Deb the Doer    Estland Viking
Brisgard 10325 Deb the Doer Estland Viking 1,829,305 2
Deb the Doer    All_By_Myself
Greifental 9254 Deb the Doer All_By_Myself 1,663,321 1
Deb the Doer    crusher
Parkog 5905 Deb the Doer crusher 1,583,960 1
Deb the Doer    Peaceful Haven
Sinerania 5943 Deb the Doer Peaceful Haven 1,402,475 1
Deb the Doer    Rising
Rugnir 6786 Deb the Doer Rising 1,250,964 1
Deb the Doer   
Tuulech 3547 Deb the Doer 1,120,554 1