12668 rank

1,189,933 points

1,811 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ralphy1964    The irregulars
Arvahall 12668 Ralphy1964 The irregulars 1,189,933 1,811
Ralphy1964    The British Empire
Brisgard 12474 Ralphy1964 The British Empire 784,385 847
Ralphy1964    hey there
East-Nagach 11455 Ralphy1964 hey there 679,647 951
Ralphy1964    North Warlords
Dinegu 11531 Ralphy1964 North Warlords 673,020 961
Ralphy1964    Forging along
Fel Dranghyr 11421 Ralphy1964 Forging along 587,286 830
Ralphy1964    Erin
Greifental 12017 Ralphy1964 Erin 408,348 521
Ralphy1964    Lone Wolves
Jaims 12425 Ralphy1964 Lone Wolves 340,917 410
Ralphy1964    newbies power
Langendorn 11696 Ralphy1964 newbies power 335,643 545
Ralphy1964    Seven National Army
Noarsil 13342 Ralphy1964 Seven National Army 173,728 300