12191 rank

1,514,575 points

1,312 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pryesh.patel305    THREE GRUMPY GOATS
Arvahall 12191 pryesh.patel305 THREE GRUMPY GOATS 1,514,575 1,312
pryesh.patel305    kink - kink
Cirgard 11603 pryesh.patel305 kink - kink 879,197 678
pryesh.patel305    Foe Fighters
Jaims 11462 pryesh.patel305 Foe Fighters 549,996 527
pryesh.patel305    Warriors of Brisgard
Brisgard 14146 pryesh.patel305 Warriors of Brisgard 422,096 466
pryesh.patel305    Pride and Glory
Houndsmoor 15976 pryesh.patel305 Pride and Glory 120,598 248