18426 rank

144,590 points

280 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Harold the unready   
Mount Killmore 13972 Harold the unready 255,585 624
Harold the unready    Happy Trading
Cirgard 15396 Harold the unready Happy Trading 173,334 425
Harold the unready   
Houndsmoor 15176 Harold the unready 167,144 338
Harold the unready   
Parkog 10256 Harold the unready 160,872 356
Harold the unready    龙 ĐɌȺǤØNFLIES 龍
Tuulech 7248 Harold the unready 龙 ĐɌȺǤØNFLIES 龍 149,639 319
Harold the unready    Shadow Warriors
Greifental 14145 Harold the unready Shadow Warriors 148,635 304
Harold the unready    Happy guild
Arvahall 18426 Harold the unready Happy guild 144,590 280
Harold the unready    World Leaders
Noarsil 13779 Harold the unready World Leaders 139,890 275
Harold the unready    For the fun of it
Odhrorvar 13459 Harold the unready For the fun of it 136,637 260
Harold the unready   
Sinerania 10712 Harold the unready 127,247 229
Harold the unready    wastelands
Fel Dranghyr 15230 Harold the unready wastelands 106,169 265
Harold the unready   
Korch 16557 Harold the unready 47,430 135