7596 rank

9,977,614 points

7,618 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Theo the Red    Canadians
Houndsmoor 1081 Theo the Red Canadians 332,884,289 237,566
Theo the Red    🔹🔹️Exodus🔹🔹
Cirgard 3021 Theo the Red 🔹🔹️Exodus🔹🔹 65,649,222 38,712
Theo the Red    🔹️Exodus🔹️
Brisgard 5297 Theo the Red 🔹️Exodus🔹️ 21,196,831 16,708
Theo the Red    Redemption
Arvahall 7596 Theo the Red Redemption 9,977,614 7,618