17237 rank

239,434 points

156 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
worf287    The Archers
Odhrorvar 8008 worf287 The Archers 2,371,811 605
worf287    Heroic Age
Noarsil 8548 worf287 Heroic Age 1,964,440 568
worf287    Canadians
Greifental 9125 worf287 Canadians 1,899,229 552
worf287    DAEPD
Jaims 8900 worf287 DAEPD 1,853,545 530
worf287    Iron Guard Phoenix
Brisgard 11254 worf287 Iron Guard Phoenix 1,413,089 455
worf287    Easy Going
Arvahall 17237 worf287 Easy Going 239,434 156
worf287    TRADE GUILD
Langendorn 12891 worf287 TRADE GUILD 201,479 130