21866 rank

40,517 points

45 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Perseus the sleepy    The Gathering
Dinegu 15338 Perseus the sleepy The Gathering 120,366 149
Perseus the sleepy    Spartan Empire
Greifental 15331 Perseus the sleepy Spartan Empire 88,323 103
Perseus the sleepy    KnightsTemplar
Parkog 11619 Perseus the sleepy KnightsTemplar 78,275 67
Perseus the sleepy    Play for fun
Uceria 6867 Perseus the sleepy Play for fun 77,482 50
Perseus the sleepy    Crimson Eagles
Tuulech 8318 Perseus the sleepy Crimson Eagles 71,669 38
Perseus the sleepy    East Anglia Travern
Houndsmoor 17294 Perseus the sleepy East Anglia Travern 69,526 69
Perseus the sleepy    Mindful Wanderers
Brisgard 18937 Perseus the sleepy Mindful Wanderers 62,745 80
Perseus the sleepy    mighty tigers
Sinerania 12153 Perseus the sleepy mighty tigers 62,450 46
Perseus the sleepy    Torana
Mount Killmore 17499 Perseus the sleepy Torana 62,270 42
Perseus the sleepy    Nexus
East-Nagach 17005 Perseus the sleepy Nexus 59,724 42
Perseus the sleepy    Time Out
Cirgard 18039 Perseus the sleepy Time Out 58,002 59
Perseus the sleepy    OrderOfTheBloodyRose
Korch 16299 Perseus the sleepy OrderOfTheBloodyRose 54,906 58
Perseus the sleepy    It's just a game!
Jaims 16842 Perseus the sleepy It's just a game! 48,413 43
Perseus the sleepy    Aussie Sun
Fel Dranghyr 17207 Perseus the sleepy Aussie Sun 46,491 41
Perseus the sleepy    The Killer Rabbits
Rugnir 13662 Perseus the sleepy The Killer Rabbits 42,256 41
Perseus the sleepy    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Arvahall 21866 Perseus the sleepy Kingdom of Jerusalem 40,517 45
Perseus the sleepy    Canada
Noarsil 16712 Perseus the sleepy Canada 40,158 86