4649 rank

38,606,707 points

28,447 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bootcap    Mystic Dragons
Arvahall 4649 Bootcap Mystic Dragons 38,606,707 28,447
Bootcap    The Bonghitters
Cirgard 4297 Bootcap The Bonghitters 33,708,064 8,324
Bootcap    The Vixen's Lair
Houndsmoor 9736 Bootcap The Vixen's Lair 2,021,215 3,147
Bootcap    Saints 2.0
Brisgard 10649 Bootcap Saints 2.0 1,772,926 2,745
Bootcap    Seekers Of Fortune
East-Nagach 11240 Bootcap Seekers Of Fortune 748,169 1,995
Bootcap    Independant
Dinegu 11773 Bootcap Independant 618,205 250
Bootcap    The Fellowship!
Fel Dranghyr 11392 Bootcap The Fellowship! 599,803 260
Bootcap    The Beginner
Greifental 11870 Bootcap The Beginner 444,480 185