10659 rank

2,737,916 points

2,002 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
friend of pokerman    Sylvester's Box
Sinerania 3047 friend of pokerman Sylvester's Box 14,359,215 27,113
friend of pokerman    Las plonkeras
Arvahall 10659 friend of pokerman Las plonkeras 2,737,916 2,002
friend of pokerman    was owen
Langendorn 7853 friend of pokerman was owen 2,513,097 1,594
friend of pokerman    The Just Pagans
Houndsmoor 11547 friend of pokerman The Just Pagans 827,775 2,637
friend of pokerman    Chilling
Uceria 5324 friend of pokerman Chilling 234,279 529