4070 rank

26,658,191 points

21,141 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ardnocs    Prince of Persia
Korch 4070 Ardnocs Prince of Persia 26,658,191 21,141
Ardnocs    The Mercenaries
Noarsil 5125 Ardnocs The Mercenaries 14,775,139 9,771
Ardnocs    The Garrison
Rugnir 5716 Ardnocs The Garrison 2,886,833 5,670
Ardnocs    The Macedonians
Brisgard 9899 Ardnocs The Macedonians 2,391,424 2,750
Ardnocs    The Persians
Langendorn 8816 Ardnocs The Persians 1,394,939 2,255