4036 rank

30,334,311 points

6,789 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Berenike the Brash 1112   
Rugnir 2671 Berenike the Brash 1112 31,939,666 7,576
Berenike the Brash 1112   
Korch 4036 Berenike the Brash 1112 30,334,311 6,789
Berenike the Brash 1112    Curiosity
Arvahall 5311 Berenike the Brash 1112 Curiosity 29,350,142 6,624
Berenike the Brash 1112    DRAGONHEART
Parkog 4955 Berenike the Brash 1112 DRAGONHEART 4,442,643 4,083
Berenike the Brash 1112    ♛The Lion's Pride♛
Greifental 7917 Berenike the Brash 1112 ♛The Lion's Pride♛ 4,057,373 2,908