9265 rank

1,515,116 points

742 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fel Dranghyr 6303 trooper68 9,951,271 2,060
trooper68    The Black Jacket
Korch 9265 trooper68 The Black Jacket 1,515,116 742
trooper68    Wings of Fire
Cirgard 10657 trooper68 Wings of Fire 1,281,659 717
Noarsil 9350 trooper68 1,239,730 726
Dinegu 10342 trooper68 1,193,740 679
trooper68    King Jallow
Langendorn 9180 trooper68 King Jallow 1,180,653 577
trooper68    Bound by Madness
Brisgard 11894 trooper68 Bound by Madness 1,003,325 674
trooper68    Lone Rangers
Mount Killmore 10613 trooper68 Lone Rangers 1,001,681 678
Jaims 10348 trooper68 886,143 561
trooper68    The Black Sheep
Houndsmoor 12334 trooper68 The Black Sheep 579,939 373
trooper68    Ergo
Odhrorvar 12443 trooper68 Ergo 225,610 249
trooper68    chronicles of empire
Arvahall 17736 trooper68 chronicles of empire 187,197 127
Greifental 17224 trooper68 36,992 70