8728 rank

2,022,385 points

2,238 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Daisy the decent    sporadic play
Fel Dranghyr 4248 Daisy the decent sporadic play 31,616,070 13,593
Daisy the decent   
Uceria 2261 Daisy the decent 6,795,524 5,774
Daisy the decent    Chilled
Arvahall 10498 Daisy the decent Chilled 3,214,953 2,580
Daisy the decent    canadian warriors
Korch 8728 Daisy the decent canadian warriors 2,022,385 2,238
Daisy the decent    northern rose
Brisgard 10833 Daisy the decent northern rose 1,694,547 1,855