16239 rank

54,403 points

64 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Vega of the Stars    Lords of Gallifrey
Rugnir 8880 Vega of the Stars Lords of Gallifrey 479,707 502
Vega of the Stars    Raiders
Sinerania 11062 Vega of the Stars Raiders 111,943 109
Vega of the Stars    Robins Nest
Noarsil 15122 Vega of the Stars Robins Nest 74,469 89
Vega of the Stars    Foestell
Dinegu 17003 Vega of the Stars Foestell 58,903 62
Vega of the Stars    Warhawks
Brisgard 19118 Vega of the Stars Warhawks 58,819 72
Vega of the Stars    Robinson
Korch 16239 Vega of the Stars Robinson 54,403 64