14780 rank

105,988 points

25 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Heman the Saviour   
Mount Killmore 4031 Heman the Saviour 32,556,562 90,783
Heman the Saviour   
Arvahall 8038 Heman the Saviour 9,468,362 11,178
Heman the Saviour    Terra populus
Sinerania 8682 Heman the Saviour Terra populus 401,308 1,674
Heman the Saviour   
Tuulech 6054 Heman the Saviour 341,962 1,153
Heman the Saviour    Nebula Prime
Noarsil 13111 Heman the Saviour Nebula Prime 201,462 1,304
Heman the Saviour    Traders UTD.
Jaims 14193 Heman the Saviour Traders UTD. 151,676 27
Heman the Saviour    Oz the great land
Odhrorvar 13274 Heman the Saviour Oz the great land 151,537 22
Heman the Saviour    FREE THINKING
Korch 14780 Heman the Saviour FREE THINKING 105,988 25
Heman the Saviour    No pressure
Parkog 11257 Heman the Saviour No pressure 97,092 14
Heman the Saviour    Glory of War
Uceria 7383 Heman the Saviour Glory of War 79,781 264