52 rank

2,810,717,688 points

643,583 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rebello175    -Home-
Korch 52 Rebello175 -Home- 2,810,717,688 643,583
Rebello175    BOUNTY HUNTERS
Jaims 3082 Rebello175 BOUNTY HUNTERS 59,701,226 34,553
Rebello175    Reach the moon
Langendorn 4237 Rebello175 Reach the moon 24,083,511 11,582
Rebello175    ForFun
Houndsmoor 5305 Rebello175 ForFun 23,784,183 35,151
Rebello175    Micro guild
Parkog 3262 Rebello175 Micro guild 15,856,265 45,514
Rebello175    Not active
East-Nagach 6074 Rebello175 Not active 12,678,706 17,902
Rebello175    Earth on fire
Odhrorvar 6654 Rebello175 Earth on fire 5,462,813 8,359
Rebello175    380 v
Brisgard 8578 Rebello175 380 v 5,369,317 7,883
Rebello175    Fabio & His Angels
Cirgard 8501 Rebello175 Fabio & His Angels 4,079,308 7,609