15635 rank

70,959 points

92 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
doestaxrecords1    The Brotherhood
Cirgard 8093 doestaxrecords1 The Brotherhood 5,024,945 2,159
doestaxrecords1    spion kop 1906
Houndsmoor 16835 doestaxrecords1 spion kop 1906 80,767 90
doestaxrecords1    God Die Guild
Greifental 15570 doestaxrecords1 God Die Guild 77,892 142
doestaxrecords1    ruffians
Korch 15635 doestaxrecords1 ruffians 70,959 92
doestaxrecords1    A.F.L.
Jaims 16107 doestaxrecords1 A.F.L. 61,884 107
doestaxrecords1    The German Regime
Odhrorvar 16254 doestaxrecords1 The German Regime 38,525 132
Mount Killmore 19628 doestaxrecords1 27,174 111