3218 rank

51,899,041 points

10,528 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lenny The Loopy   
Brisgard 3668 Lenny The Loopy 56,022,536 8,146
Lenny The Loopy    reza
Korch 3218 Lenny The Loopy reza 51,899,041 10,528
Lenny The Loopy   
Greifental 5877 Lenny The Loopy 12,449,066 3,779
Lenny The Loopy   
Mount Killmore 7102 Lenny The Loopy 6,217,011 3,023
Lenny The Loopy   
Arvahall 11228 Lenny The Loopy 2,198,816 2,227
Lenny The Loopy    Expeditions
Noarsil 8534 Lenny The Loopy Expeditions 1,930,255 1,357