9831 rank

1,107,730 points

1,737 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Falco the just 1    atena
Brisgard 10663 Falco the just 1 atena 1,760,161 1,955
Falco the just 1    THE ROMAN EMPIRE
Noarsil 8800 Falco the just 1 THE ROMAN EMPIRE 1,668,749 2,130
Falco the just 1    AAA
Mount Killmore 9673 Falco the just 1 AAA 1,525,066 1,883
Falco the just 1    freaky
Korch 9831 Falco the just 1 freaky 1,107,730 1,737
Falco the just 1    fire fighters
East-Nagach 11336 Falco the just 1 fire fighters 713,313 1,311
Falco the just 1    Roman Empire
Arvahall 17191 Falco the just 1 Roman Empire 228,949 627
Falco the just 1   
Jaims 14609 Falco the just 1 119,785 309
Falco the just 1    CANADIAN
Odhrorvar 13949 Falco the just 1 CANADIAN 108,699 309