5926 rank

10,342,900 points

517 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Octavia the Savior 222   
East-Nagach 2908 Octavia the Savior 222 76,629,819 2,863
Octavia the Savior 222    |~The Builders~| G
Greifental 4004 Octavia the Savior 222 |~The Builders~| G 36,894,343 1,236
Octavia the Savior 222   
Mount Killmore 3979 Octavia the Savior 222 32,601,388 838
Octavia the Savior 222   
Fel Dranghyr 4870 Octavia the Savior 222 21,402,596 692
Octavia the Savior 222   
Rugnir 3214 Octavia the Savior 222 20,185,458 1,236
Octavia the Savior 222    |~The Builders~| C
Cirgard 6331 Octavia the Savior 222 |~The Builders~| C 11,954,897 619
Octavia the Savior 222   
Korch 5926 Octavia the Savior 222 10,342,900 517
Octavia the Savior 222   
Brisgard 8306 Octavia the Savior 222 5,942,474 482
Octavia the Savior 222   
Sinerania 5562 Octavia the Savior 222 2,381,319 527
Octavia the Savior 222   
Houndsmoor 12833 Octavia the Savior 222 470,135 282
Octavia the Savior 222   
Langendorn 13435 Octavia the Savior 222 147,790 147
Octavia the Savior 222   
Odhrorvar 15040 Octavia the Savior 222 64,305 101
Octavia the Savior 222   
Arvahall 20816 Octavia the Savior 222 56,758 80
Octavia the Savior 222   
Dinegu 17056 Octavia the Savior 222 55,448 68
Octavia the Savior 222   
Noarsil 15940 Octavia the Savior 222 51,624 77
Octavia the Savior 222   
Jaims 17577 Octavia the Savior 222 33,671 50