1639 rank

147,411,212 points

14,932 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thales the Cunning 777    FREE THINKING
Korch 1639 Thales the Cunning 777 FREE THINKING 147,411,212 14,932
Thales the Cunning 777    USS Draculantis
East-Nagach 2656 Thales the Cunning 777 USS Draculantis 80,843,282 13,160
Thales the Cunning 777    Just for event
Greifental 2753 Thales the Cunning 777 Just for event 75,513,717 12,426
Thales the Cunning 777    Fellowship Ultima
Arvahall 3356 Thales the Cunning 777 Fellowship Ultima 67,309,015 13,377
Thales the Cunning 777    Fearless
Sinerania 3840 Thales the Cunning 777 Fearless 7,808,175 11,864
Thales the Cunning 777    BEARSDEN
Rugnir 4762 Thales the Cunning 777 BEARSDEN 5,955,531 14,952