4932 rank

18,102,901 points

5,193 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
iguandy    The ASYLUM
Rugnir 1875 iguandy The ASYLUM 64,418,040 28,810
iguandy    Rocketown
Fel Dranghyr 3859 iguandy Rocketown 41,200,410 15,032
iguandy    Rocketown
Brisgard 4498 iguandy Rocketown 35,863,345 12,080
iguandy    Rocketown
Noarsil 3884 iguandy Rocketown 34,601,047 8,533
iguandy    Rocketown
Jaims 4232 iguandy Rocketown 27,879,169 12,223
iguandy    Independent
East-Nagach 4756 iguandy Independent 24,644,870 9,179
iguandy    Rocketown
Odhrorvar 4300 iguandy Rocketown 21,385,849 7,032
iguandy    🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec
Sinerania 2687 iguandy 🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec 21,073,034 15,477
iguandy    Prestige
Greifental 5170 iguandy Prestige 18,848,188 6,937
iguandy    Rocketown
Korch 4932 iguandy Rocketown 18,102,901 5,193
iguandy    Rocketown
Langendorn 4847 iguandy Rocketown 16,589,028 3,423
iguandy    The Vixen's Lair
Houndsmoor 5982 iguandy The Vixen's Lair 16,487,801 3,906
iguandy    Rocketown
Mount Killmore 5354 iguandy Rocketown 15,114,906 3,386
iguandy    Rocketown
Dinegu 5755 iguandy Rocketown 14,706,916 3,619
iguandy    "Tis But a Scratch"
Cirgard 5998 iguandy "Tis But a Scratch" 14,458,904 3,401
iguandy    Rocketown
Arvahall 7139 iguandy Rocketown 13,202,488 7,871