4915 rank

18,073,945 points

5,168 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
iguandy    The ASYLUM
Rugnir 1861 iguandy The ASYLUM 62,860,400 28,544
iguandy    Rocketown
Fel Dranghyr 3841 iguandy Rocketown 40,739,929 14,982
iguandy    Rocketown
Brisgard 4467 iguandy Rocketown 35,620,217 12,029
iguandy    Rocketown
Noarsil 3895 iguandy Rocketown 33,607,503 8,352
iguandy    Rocketown
Jaims 4203 iguandy Rocketown 27,837,866 12,168
iguandy    Independent
East-Nagach 4743 iguandy Independent 24,463,860 9,129
iguandy    Rocketown
Odhrorvar 4297 iguandy Rocketown 21,165,942 6,900
iguandy    🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec
Sinerania 2683 iguandy 🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec 20,315,435 15,117
iguandy    Prestige
Greifental 5141 iguandy Prestige 18,793,981 6,895
iguandy    Rocketown
Korch 4915 iguandy Rocketown 18,073,945 5,168
iguandy    Rocketown
Langendorn 4822 iguandy Rocketown 16,558,823 3,420
iguandy    The Vixen's Lair
Houndsmoor 5971 iguandy The Vixen's Lair 16,316,007 3,868
iguandy    Rocketown
Mount Killmore 5335 iguandy Rocketown 15,080,280 3,383
iguandy    Rocketown
Dinegu 5723 iguandy Rocketown 14,678,316 3,619
iguandy    "Tis But a Scratch"
Cirgard 5959 iguandy "Tis But a Scratch" 14,423,924 3,401
iguandy    Rocketown
Arvahall 7104 iguandy Rocketown 13,154,464 7,833