5358 rank

14,036,829 points

5,647 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alron the wise    Chaosbringers
Arvahall 2807 Alron the wise Chaosbringers 102,665,977 15,685
Alron the wise    Sydney
Greifental 2487 Alron the wise Sydney 100,418,756 14,901
Alron the wise    broken arrow
Brisgard 2699 Alron the wise broken arrow 98,335,103 15,341
Alron the wise    Marley
Korch 5358 Alron the wise Marley 14,036,829 5,647
Alron the wise    WANDERERS
Cirgard 6278 Alron the wise WANDERERS 12,219,231 4,838
Alron the wise    Glory
Rugnir 3947 Alron the wise Glory 11,680,629 4,323