2019 rank

125,147,458 points

57,992 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gary the Ogre    Quantum Hedgehogs 🦔
Fel Dranghyr 990 Gary the Ogre Quantum Hedgehogs 🦔 403,879,358 83,318
Gary the Ogre    The Neighbourhood
East-Nagach 2053 Gary the Ogre The Neighbourhood 149,036,490 80,231
Korch 2019 Gary the Ogre ENGLISH CRUSADERS 125,147,458 57,992
Gary the Ogre    Unleashed
Jaims 2406 Gary the Ogre Unleashed 96,424,804 28,905
Gary the Ogre    Avallon
Mount Killmore 2452 Gary the Ogre Avallon 91,340,810 42,470
Gary the Ogre    Unleashed
Noarsil 6252 Gary the Ogre Unleashed 8,280,961 6,562
Gary the Ogre    Savage
Parkog 4141 Gary the Ogre Savage 8,277,165 6,878
Gary the Ogre    Savages
Sinerania 4531 Gary the Ogre Savages 5,470,261 4,899
Gary the Ogre    Unleashed
Uceria 4883 Gary the Ogre Unleashed 462,148 811