813 rank

393,864,587 points

269,330 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Orgeterix the Great    The Friendliness
Mount Killmore 548 Orgeterix the Great The Friendliness 613,093,085 263,577
Orgeterix the Great    H⚔️C
Korch 813 Orgeterix the Great H⚔️C 393,864,587 269,330
Orgeterix the Great    Caerleon Crusaders
Langendorn 929 Orgeterix the Great Caerleon Crusaders 342,224,454 194,490
Orgeterix the Great    ⚔️FIGHTERS⚔️
Parkog 1033 Orgeterix the Great ⚔️FIGHTERS⚔️ 138,819,583 104,824
Orgeterix the Great    Iron Fist✊Recruiting
Odhrorvar 3303 Orgeterix the Great Iron Fist✊Recruiting 41,523,602 123,995
Orgeterix the Great    Nomad 1
Noarsil 13938 Orgeterix the Great Nomad 1 129,912 261