3576 rank

41,542,811 points

14,665 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wolfdom    The Hellenic 300
Korch 3576 Wolfdom The Hellenic 300 41,542,811 14,665
Wolfdom    Dynamite
Greifental 5547 Wolfdom Dynamite 15,104,163 4,007
Wolfdom    By Any Other Name
Cirgard 7264 Wolfdom By Any Other Name 7,898,147 2,509
Wolfdom    The Rebellion
Brisgard 8127 Wolfdom The Rebellion 6,639,281 2,532
Wolfdom    Diamonds & Farmers
East-Nagach 8985 Wolfdom Diamonds & Farmers 2,518,672 1,676
Wolfdom    The Gathering
Dinegu 10306 Wolfdom The Gathering 1,256,011 1,316