Rank Name
1 DJ of BA
1 DJ of BA
2 dereknobble
2 dereknobble
3 HicksWrath
3 HicksWrath
4 FMulder
4 FMulder
5 herbs the forgetful
5 herbs the forgetful
6 The first emperor
6 The first emperor
7 Cika Sale
7 Cika Sale
8 Mongoose
8 Mongoose
9 Beardface247
9 Beardface247
10 Saarkin
10 Saarkin
11 Mouahaha
11 Mouahaha
13 Daredevil Dave
13 Daredevil Dave
14 Qandikins
14 Qandikins
15 Ireth
15 Ireth
16 taki a
16 taki a
17 Eurydice the Noble 810
17 Eurydice the Noble 810
18 Lex luther 74
18 Lex luther 74
19 Alfa 1
19 Alfa 1
20 Rintintin99
20 Rintintin99
21 i galileo
21 i galileo
22 Isabella the Noble 674
22 Isabella the Noble 674
23 Evensong
23 Evensong
24 Ramonna
24 Ramonna
25 Leony33
25 Leony33
26 zaxac
26 zaxac
27 Rojik
27 Rojik
28 The Dark K1ng
28 The Dark K1ng
29 Axel Foley
29 Axel Foley
30 Torster
30 Torster
31 Elvis the Proud
31 Elvis the Proud
32 Xena the Never-Ready
32 Xena the Never-Ready
33 Kythos
33 Kythos
34 Vigilies
34 Vigilies
35 me Alf
35 me Alf
36 LongRunning
36 LongRunning
37 lincar
37 lincar
38 Sabina the Lion 1331
38 Sabina the Lion 1331
39 Lady Leo
39 Lady Leo
40 Haffner100
40 Haffner100
41 Sir J. Doe
41 Sir J. Doe
42 Veetoh
42 Veetoh
43 Eccet
43 Eccet
44 Cleo the Gangster
44 Cleo the Gangster
45 Teowulf
45 Teowulf
46 Vesta the Valiant 1250
46 Vesta the Valiant 1250
47 Comper1000
47 Comper1000
48 Spondex
48 Spondex
49 Tandzara
49 Tandzara
50 Forkinhell
50 Forkinhell
51 Charlie Mosses
51 Charlie Mosses
52 Rswipe
52 Rswipe
53 Hyppolite Wiggins
53 Hyppolite Wiggins
54 NewFuture
54 NewFuture
55 CoolingJon
55 CoolingJon
56 Jenny Talls
56 Jenny Talls
57 XiaoQing98
57 XiaoQing98
58 gandalf of *NRNS*
58 gandalf of *NRNS*
59 Dummieshad0w
59 Dummieshad0w
60 Welshlady
60 Welshlady
61 Appolonia the Noble 2420
61 Appolonia the Noble 2420
62 Talpur Danish
62 Talpur Danish
63 kuzulin
63 kuzulin
64 Protonium Blast
64 Protonium Blast
65 teerak
65 teerak
66 Hemizard the Moist
66 Hemizard the Moist
67 Xx-Baldrick-xX
67 Xx-Baldrick-xX
68 Just a random person
68 Just a random person
69 Abstecilla
69 Abstecilla
70 Whittaker Chambers
70 Whittaker Chambers
71 MagicDude
71 MagicDude
72 Tommy the Peaky Blinder
72 Tommy the Peaky Blinder
73 4rs3n1c
73 4rs3n1c
74 Sir Puggington
74 Sir Puggington
75 EnchantedRPG
75 EnchantedRPG

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.