4642 rank

17,208,302 points

14,143 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cadmus The Eveready    Shields United
Parkog 2260 Cadmus The Eveready Shields United 30,630,613 15,854
Cadmus The Eveready    The Exiles
Brisgard 4935 Cadmus The Eveready The Exiles 25,241,541 22,360
Cadmus The Eveready    Arthur's Pledge
Jaims 4303 Cadmus The Eveready Arthur's Pledge 24,008,467 21,537
Cadmus The Eveready    TheSteelworkersUnion
Greifental 5062 Cadmus The Eveready TheSteelworkersUnion 18,417,877 15,991
Cadmus The Eveready    Covfefe
Langendorn 4642 Cadmus The Eveready Covfefe 17,208,302 14,143
Cadmus The Eveready    INQUISITION
Houndsmoor 5719 Cadmus The Eveready INQUISITION 17,061,664 13,946
Cadmus The Eveready    *F*R*I*E*N*D*S*
Noarsil 4979 Cadmus The Eveready *F*R*I*E*N*D*S* 16,158,776 14,475
Cadmus The Eveready    Shadow Realm II
Odhrorvar 4845 Cadmus The Eveready Shadow Realm II 14,001,087 13,290
Cadmus The Eveready    Nottingham outlaws
Fel Dranghyr 6084 Cadmus The Eveready Nottingham outlaws 10,344,430 11,309
Cadmus The Eveready    The Dog House
Dinegu 6484 Cadmus The Eveready The Dog House 9,421,800 13,235
Cadmus The Eveready    Trade Winds
Tuulech 2340 Cadmus The Eveready Trade Winds 7,076,601 13,064
Cadmus The Eveready    The Brewers
Rugnir 5018 Cadmus The Eveready The Brewers 4,925,138 7,986
Cadmus The Eveready    The Nest
Mount Killmore 9659 Cadmus The Eveready The Nest 1,499,805 3,644