12926 rank

188,933 points

269 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cleo the Impaler 767    sniper
Noarsil 11454 Cleo the Impaler 767 sniper 426,760 472
Cleo the Impaler 767    ???
Mount Killmore 12800 Cleo the Impaler 767 ??? 413,683 370
Cleo the Impaler 767    Smooth Sailing
Parkog 8500 Cleo the Impaler 767 Smooth Sailing 404,354 395
Cleo the Impaler 767    Freedom Key
Langendorn 12926 Cleo the Impaler 767 Freedom Key 188,933 269
Cleo the Impaler 767    Woodys
Brisgard 16398 Cleo the Impaler 767 Woodys 164,868 194
Cleo the Impaler 767    The One Of Us
Korch 14209 Cleo the Impaler 767 The One Of Us 136,559 227
Cleo the Impaler 767    Move Forward
Sinerania 11332 Cleo the Impaler 767 Move Forward 93,980 118
Cleo the Impaler 767    Super Snakes
Greifental 15563 Cleo the Impaler 767 Super Snakes 76,832 138
Cleo the Impaler 767    My Guild Too
Arvahall 20331 Cleo the Impaler 767 My Guild Too 67,705 80