5171 rank

13,508,494 points

12,676 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Debbie the Builder   
Noarsil 3392 Debbie the Builder 46,983,930 34,182
Debbie the Builder   
Langendorn 5171 Debbie the Builder 13,508,494 12,676
Debbie the Builder   
East-Nagach 6390 Debbie the Builder 10,591,607 14,452
Debbie the Builder   
Jaims 6315 Debbie the Builder 8,659,959 12,324
Debbie the Builder   
Mount Killmore 10120 Debbie the Builder 1,231,581 2,044
Debbie the Builder   
Parkog 6994 Debbie the Builder 976,770 1,893