11816 rank

317,282 points

368 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Theodosius the Bold 1679    kinglu
East-Nagach 8326 Theodosius the Bold 1679 kinglu 3,700,403 1,107
Theodosius the Bold 1679    HODL
Mount Killmore 8563 Theodosius the Bold 1679 HODL 2,709,158 795
Theodosius the Bold 1679    Midgar warriors
Arvahall 12035 Theodosius the Bold 1679 Midgar warriors 1,564,125 872
Theodosius the Bold 1679    RogueChiefs
Langendorn 11816 Theodosius the Bold 1679 RogueChiefs 317,282 368