8370 rank

1,851,278 points

929 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tex the Conquer    Golden Eagles
Sinerania 3437 Tex the Conquer Golden Eagles 11,504,177 2,341
Tex the Conquer    The Black Watch
East-Nagach 7311 Tex the Conquer The Black Watch 6,453,443 2,859
Tex the Conquer    Peacetrain
Jaims 7622 Tex the Conquer Peacetrain 4,108,472 2,103
Tex the Conquer    Lions heart
Noarsil 7695 Tex the Conquer Lions heart 3,351,594 2,381
Tex the Conquer    Worrier United
Fel Dranghyr 8165 Tex the Conquer Worrier United 3,349,083 1,600
Tex the Conquer    The lion kings
Langendorn 8370 Tex the Conquer The lion kings 1,851,278 929
Tex the Conquer    League of Nomads
Houndsmoor 10823 Tex the Conquer League of Nomads 1,150,154 1,106
Tex the Conquer    Splendour
Rugnir 7548 Tex the Conquer Splendour 930,056 775
Tex the Conquer    Stoner Squad
Dinegu 11714 Tex the Conquer Stoner Squad 631,476 603