12892 rank

198,012 points

291 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leo the Ravager 64meg    THE NEW HOPE
Arvahall 4134 Leo the Ravager 64meg THE NEW HOPE 45,110,928 15,747
Leo the Ravager 64meg    Pulp Fiction
Brisgard 4134 Leo the Ravager 64meg Pulp Fiction 39,018,558 16,233
Leo the Ravager 64meg    Wolf Pack
East-Nagach 9245 Leo the Ravager 64meg Wolf Pack 2,021,414 1,370
Leo the Ravager 64meg    Dumbledore's Army
Langendorn 12892 Leo the Ravager 64meg Dumbledore's Army 198,012 291