11520 rank

378,505 points

552 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maggi the brave    The Illuminated
Korch 2504 Maggi the brave The Illuminated 73,577,447 16,933
Maggi the brave    Wolves of Winterfell
Arvahall 12486 Maggi the brave Wolves of Winterfell 1,229,084 973
Maggi the brave    Freeplayers
Langendorn 11520 Maggi the brave Freeplayers 378,505 552
Maggi the brave    Freeplay
Brisgard 15124 Maggi the brave Freeplay 270,748 322
Maggi the brave    nomads
Cirgard 14425 Maggi the brave nomads 264,418 240