2275 rank

90,566,201 points

14,873 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
terrysherette    rumbling thunder
Cirgard 2461 terrysherette rumbling thunder 102,269,501 17,699
terrysherette    ☆●•Galactica•●☆
Parkog 1325 terrysherette ☆●•Galactica•●☆ 94,336,802 17,476
terrysherette    ❤️ The Lovers ❤️
Langendorn 2275 terrysherette ❤️ The Lovers ❤️ 90,566,201 14,873
terrysherette    The Silent Ones
Odhrorvar 2234 terrysherette The Silent Ones 89,540,614 16,310
terrysherette    New Sanctuary
Mount Killmore 2585 terrysherette New Sanctuary 79,007,010 15,360