7078 rank

4,345,367 points

3,308 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Benny the Bashful   
Arvahall 4465 Benny the Bashful 42,854,879 11,432
Benny the Bashful   
Uceria 1214 Benny the Bashful 23,423,932 13,927
Benny the Bashful   
Cirgard 5541 Benny the Bashful 17,576,558 6,716
Benny the Bashful   
Fel Dranghyr 7012 Benny the Bashful 6,730,131 4,045
Benny the Bashful   
Langendorn 7078 Benny the Bashful 4,345,367 3,308