1165 rank

262,649,856 points

64,235 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gogithaa    Elysium
Langendorn 1165 Gogithaa Elysium 262,649,856 64,235
Gogithaa    🌈The Wizard of OZ🦘
Uceria 1133 Gogithaa 🌈The Wizard of OZ🦘 28,883,353 5,132
Gogithaa    â– â– Secret Butchersâ– â– 
Arvahall 11558 Gogithaa â– â– Secret Butchersâ– â–  1,994,745 1,150
Gogithaa    Cro A Porter
Fel Dranghyr 9279 Gogithaa Cro A Porter 1,769,775 1,107
Brisgard 10831 Gogithaa 1,700,802 1,064
Gogithaa    The Death Council
Mount Killmore 9694 Gogithaa The Death Council 1,536,992 1,003
Noarsil 9067 Gogithaa 1,481,482 970
Gogithaa    Nirvana
Greifental 9552 Gogithaa Nirvana 1,481,307 1,164
Gogithaa    Australis
East-Nagach 10619 Gogithaa Australis 1,048,314 1,009