2581 rank

74,373,359 points

47,201 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Qwerty the Lazy    Justice League
Mount Killmore 1055 Qwerty the Lazy Justice League 317,307,535 108,792
Qwerty the Lazy    The Lost Tribe
Korch 2167 Qwerty the Lazy The Lost Tribe 113,302,888 48,810
Qwerty the Lazy    The Pirate Council
Greifental 2376 Qwerty the Lazy The Pirate Council 110,906,946 89,489
Qwerty the Lazy    Rest and Recreation
Dinegu 2582 Qwerty the Lazy Rest and Recreation 105,563,421 54,751
Qwerty the Lazy    The Lost Tribe
Langendorn 2581 Qwerty the Lazy The Lost Tribe 74,373,359 47,201
Qwerty the Lazy    Free Traders
Jaims 5568 Qwerty the Lazy Free Traders 13,351,758 17,075