304 rank

1,078,322,197 points

186,465 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hadrian the Black 154    The Cuckoo's Nest
Langendorn 304 Hadrian the Black 154 The Cuckoo's Nest 1,078,322,197 186,465
Hadrian the Black 154   
Korch 1858 Hadrian the Black 154 140,620,720 33,010
Hadrian the Black 154   
Houndsmoor 3469 Hadrian the Black 154 66,932,500 20,698
Hadrian the Black 154   
Noarsil 3267 Hadrian the Black 154 52,520,482 18,774
Hadrian the Black 154   
Uceria 1825 Hadrian the Black 154 11,062,313 7,533