13481 rank

171,501 points

149 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gregorius118    Oz moving centre
Arvahall 17970 Gregorius118 Oz moving centre 192,145 235
Gregorius118    The Shadows
Langendorn 13481 Gregorius118 The Shadows 171,501 149
Gregorius118    Children of God
Fel Dranghyr 14687 Gregorius118 Children of God 161,606 120
Gregorius118    Knights of the Relm
Brisgard 16928 Gregorius118 Knights of the Relm 152,883 219
Gregorius118    elite masters
Dinegu 15253 Gregorius118 elite masters 151,714 163
Gregorius118    kings & Queens
Jaims 18214 Gregorius118 kings & Queens 34,650 38