8898 rank

1,369,922 points

1,769 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gat168    Lords of War
Greifental 9 gat168 Lords of War 3,530,598,040 705,284
gat168    The Royal Coven
Parkog 771 gat168 The Royal Coven 142,097,443 65,967
Houndsmoor 9351 gat168 2,271,141 1,850
gat168    Sparta
Arvahall 11763 gat168 Sparta 1,571,466 1,747
gat168    Lady of the Lake
Langendorn 8898 gat168 Lady of the Lake 1,369,922 1,769
gat168    Not Very Active
Cirgard 10664 gat168 Not Very Active 1,216,753 1,648