13290 rank

159,146 points

75 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gordon the Goafer   
Mount Killmore 13794 Gordon the Goafer 271,948 107
Gordon the Goafer   
Langendorn 13290 Gordon the Goafer 159,146 75
Gordon the Goafer   
Cirgard 16135 Gordon the Goafer 124,017 73
Gordon the Goafer   
Sinerania 10922 Gordon the Goafer 113,901 64
Gordon the Goafer   
Parkog 11565 Gordon the Goafer 79,542 153
Gordon the Goafer   
Noarsil 15009 Gordon the Goafer 78,105 139
Gordon the Goafer   
Greifental 17986 Gordon the Goafer 26,387 97